Thursday, July 7, 2016

Adjusting to Life as a SAHM

My son is almost 1! I can't even believe it. Just saying that out loud gives me ✨all kinds of feels✨

This year has been quite the roller coaster (and not just adjusting to having a new baby). Between hospital stays, family drama and my husbands business struggling, it has been hard to know which way is up.

Personally I have been having a hard time finding myself in this new mom role. I haven't quite found the balance between my mom self, teacher self, wife self and my self self. It's a work in progress and I get a little closer every day!

One thing that has really emphasized this new identity crisis is the fact that I am a SAHM (at least for this school year). It has been a great experience to be here for my sons first year, but it has also been a struggle not contributing financially to the family. 

I don't know what the future holds as far as work goes. Ideally I would love to teach part time but those jobs are rare. So we will see! 

In the meantime....

Guess what!?

While I'm still figuring this all out I have found a way to contribute financially AND tap in to my teacher/creative side! I've launched an Etsy store for teacher clothing products! My husband already has the shirts, the vinyl and the press! It just made sense. 

And within 2 days I made my first sale!! 

You should check out my store: Teacher Confessions 

So far I have these 4 designs up but more designs to come! Stay tuned 😁👏👍

How do you mamas balance work life/mom life?

Thursday, March 31, 2016

What a Year! {Updates and a Photo Challenge}

I can't believe it has been over a year since my last post! It has been a roller coaster of a year, that's for sure! 


As many of you may know, the last couple of years have been especially difficult for my husband and I. Back in 2013 we were diagnosed with infertility. We went through several rounds of treatment, experienced multiple losses and struggled to stay positive. Last November we found out that we were having our miracle baby! 

After a rough few years, and a difficult pregnancy, this past July I gave birth to the most amazing and beautiful baby boy, Cohen. He was born 7/18 at 7:18pm. How cool is that!? He was definitely worth the wait!

He's now 8 months! (When did that happen!?) He is so silly and has SO much personality. Always laughing and smiling. We are so in love! 💙

In just a few short months this little guy has changed everything I thought I knew about myself and the world! 

I swore up and down that I would never be a stay at home mom. "It's just not me" I would say. I ignored the typical "everything will change once you hold him" and felt so strongly that I knew myself and that would never happen. Boy, was I wrong! I can't imagine being away from him all day long! 

I have been so lucky to have the school year off to be with this little guy and soak up as much of it as I can! Everyone at my school has been so wonderful and supportive. 

That being said, I miss teaching (and myself) SO much!! Being a mom has been an amazing experience but I do feel as though I got lost in all of it. Now that he's more independent I feel like I can start focusing on myself and my wants/needs again!

The 2 big pieces of my life prior to baby were teaching and exercise. I'm trying to get those back!

So in the spirit of reconnecting to the world and getting myself back, I am starting an Instagram photo challenge! It's my first time hosting something like this. I can't wait to see what happens! 😁

Those of you who know me, know I've been TERRIBLE about these in the past but I'm going to try my darnedest this time! 

Just grab the photo below and use the #confessionsphotochallenge! 

P.S. Can anyone tell me if the Google Friend Connect widget is working?!